Monday, March 17, 2014


Wouldn't it be nice to be in control?
You always know what's coming and what has passed. There are no surprises and anxiety would be at an all time low.

It sounds absolutely delightful...until you realize what is being sacrificed.

Gaining control means a sacrifice of trust in God and in others. When we gain control of something we trust ourselves and our abilities (I don't know about you but I'm screwed). For example, when we are in control of a car, we know right where we are going. Yet, when we are in someone else's car we tend to be a little more on edge. We find ourselves double checking to see if the road is clear, we check over our shoulder when changing lanes. 

Our trust in others seems to be significantly lacking.
Our trust in God is obviously lacking.

Once we have obtained our perception of control the idea of losing it becomes terrifying. The questions soon rage...

"What if something awful happens?! What if?! What if?! what if?!"

A good, dear friend of mine told me that the "what if" quesiton is like a mosquito bite. When you itch it, it only gets worse and worse until it's bleeding and infected. We have to make friends with the "what if" and apply the truth of the Lord onto it's heat.

The truth of the Lord is this...

"I will be with you until the very end of the age. I know the plans I have for you. Plans to give you hope and a future, not to harm you. No eye has seen, no ear has hear what the Lord has planned for those who love him."

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